Sunday, March 21, 2010

When the Dark Came to Town

Riding upon the fears of the tide,
the broken world lent a watchful eye.

Feigning love with etched smile so false,
tormented were its thoughts, of course.

Played upon were their dreams so frail,
that smiles glint as all hope failed.

And as the tide does always break,
so too did their spines in the wake.

For the free did shout a call of cheer,
as liberty gave way to tyrannical fear.


Odd Observation

All my web-log posts have either been on a Sunday or a Tuesday. Weird.

Explosion Poem

Greet death with light,
the moon is down as night passes.
The poor man's memory of light,
with tired eyes the world slept.

(deep or just vague, you decide)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gotta Get Movin', Time to Move On

I woke up this morning with "Someone Saves My Life Tonight" playing in my head... I don't even know that song in my conscience mind. So I went to my extensive library collection of acquired music and it just so happened that I have several albums worth of Elton John and there was the song that's stuck in my head. I gave it listen and realized what the song is about... wow, that is exactly what my mind has been tossing around for the last week or so. It is kinda scary that my mind knew a song to stick into itself to inform my stupid consciousness what it thought I should do... the area of thought is a tad sensitive so I prefer to speak in generalities. The point is how many songs do I know that I am not aware of, do my dreams always have soundtracks, and just how much is my subconscious calling the shots?

Of course, I have no answers, but I love that my life has a secret soundtrack that is being tailored from my thoughts and dreams.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Break in Review

Well, that coveted time of the semester has all but passed me by. My girlfriend and I took a trip down to Jacksonville to enjoy the beach. Sand castles were made, seafood devoured, and sunrises observed; a damn fine break from the norm of Tennessee. As I look ahead I have a sense of foreboding at the mountainous task that awaits me before the semester draws to a close. Having a series of papers due, the work rests upon my shoulders like a load that refuses to settle into comfortable spot for the coming hike. I know that I am up to the challenge so I am filled with nervous anticipation to begin, but at the same time a sluggish fog of procrastination to do laundry, read books, write a web-log, and occupy my time in what other facet that is available dominates my time currently; anything to prolong the inevitability of what must be done. For I know that when I do start the task that weights upon my shoulders my thoughts and time will be filled with it for the weeks to come. "I will start tomorrow, I will start tomorrow", I repeat.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Overwhelming Urge to Run As Fast These Feet Will Carry Me

I'm not positive the source of this urge, but at times I feel this overwhelming urge to run as fast as these feet will carry me. The feeling is reoccurring and usually seems to surface when I'm smoking late at night. Seems the usual the premise for it is when I start thinking of everything I have done, or rather haven't done, with my life and the giant mouse-wheel that I perceive as a completely meaningless endeavor. This conjures up a want to live what days I have left with my gift as I choose rather than in perpetuating a system I secretly plot against.

On the note, I wonder if the world-destruction idea that has overtaken the mainstream culture as of late is a manifestation of that same idea or if it is linked to another unrelated line of thinking. My guess, not that it really matters, is that it probably has something to do with the same line of thinking as my own; as if I thought it, then someone else probably thought it before me and capitalized on it.

I wonder what that path would hold for me. I'm sure the romanticized idea of it is much more alluring than the reality of it, but the reality of things is usually much more beautiful that the idealized version. At least that's been my experience.