Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Illusion of Productivity

I thought I might as well start a web-log of my thoughts, experiences, and observations aboutwhatever it was I thought enough about to post. Really I can't think of anything that is less appealing to me than posting such content to the internet to be lost in oblivion of the inter-webs [new hip word with the kids, stand by for use in the mainstream], or, worse yet, actually absorbed by any poor soul that happens upon it.(for that I apologize now) So this is my contribution to data-overload that has come to plague to the post-post modern era or whatever time this is that we are living in that has yet to be classified and categorized with the zeal only those such as myself have; containing relatively no ability to exist within the moment and so are doomed to live life a few steps in the future, or (probably more accurate) a few steps in the past. So without future a due I present to you with my first post for a web-log that may or may not have regular or semi-regular postings.